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Master Connector-of-Dots.
Retention Expert.
Scalable Experience Architect. 

Parker Chase-Corwin, CEO and Principal Consultant at Xperience Alchemy

Parker Chase-Corwin brings over 20 years of experience in designing, building, scaling, and leading customer-facing programs for a variety of companies, ranging from Series A to Fortune 100 (with five successful exits along the way). He is a limited partner with a venture capital firm and advises early-stage and growth companies. As a strategic and lateral operator, his breadth of knowledge in the space gives him expert perspective to assess a business situation and solve it efficiently.

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David Kubick

EVP of Business Development, Computershare

Without exception Parker is THE MOST CUSTOMER FOCUSED and driven professional I have ever worked with - bar none. Parker's unrivaled work ethic; his attention to every detail; and his commitment to quality interactions with our customers, make him a professional with immeasurable value to our company. Words that describe Parker would include "business acumen", "core values", "trustworthy instincts" and "strong intellect".

Featured in: 

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CX Unplugged Logo
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Zight Logo
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CX Unplugged: Beyond the Silos - Episode 1
CX Unplugged: Beyond the Silos - Episode 2
Dear Stage 2... Optimizing the handoffs in the customer journey
Zight article: How Customer Success Teams Should Segment Their Customers
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