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The "1 in 60" Rule

Do you know what the "1 in 60" rule is?

Pilots do. đŸ›©Â 

For every 1Âș off-course your flight is, you will be off-course by a full mile after traveling 60 miles. đŸ—ș 

This means if you were just 1Âș off traveling from Chicago to London, you'd end up landing in the English Channel instead of Heathrow. 🌊 

Just as pilots need to constantly course-correct to adjust for weather conditions, traffic patterns, and turbulence, so to does your customer engagement program need regular attention and maintenance.

As automation and orchestration become significantly more urgent tools in delivering the customer management motion, we need to embrace them, but not to become overly reliant upon them. 

Which means, that as much as you might like to, you can't simply "set it and forget it".

Dynamic internal and external factors require consistent attention to your established playbooks and tactics to make sure they stay on course. You don't want to miss your destination because you were overly reliant upon an automation that you set up months ago.

Customer Success in 2024 will be an increasingly data-led & technology-enabled motion. That said, don't overlook the essential human oversight and intuition needed for strategy, design, and optimization. AI can be helpful here, but it is not a mature replacement.

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